Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Group Assignment 2 (CNB 1003)

The processor for the Personal Computer (PC) has changed considerably over the years. The more significant changes have been made in the Pentium class.Research the Pentium processors from the first Pentium to the current state. Identify the different models and explain the differences between them. Don't get into too many specifics, but provide sufficient information for a person to understand the evolution of this chip. AMD has made competing processor chips for the PC. Research one of the later models of this processor.

Explain the differences in this processor and its Intel competitor. Don't get into too much detail, but provide enough of an explanation that a person can determine the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Other chips have been used in micro class computers. Research one other processor type. Identify the processor and tell the characteristics of this processor. Use a recent version of the processor for your report.
Locate at least three sources for your research.

Your paper should be between 3 and 8 pages, double-spaced, with standard 1" margins, and page numbers. Your name, the title of the paper, and the designation Homework 2 should appear on the first page. Identify your sources, cite your references in your paper to show where you obtained the facts you are discussing. You may use Internet sources, magazines, or textbooks.

For Internet web sites, include both the URL and some facts about the web site itself. If the facts come from a paper identified by the web site, identify the author of the paper, if possible; the company that sponsored the paper, if possible; or the identity of the site from which you obtained the information. This kind of reference enables the reader to better judge the value of the reference and enable the reader to locate other information produced by the same person, company, or sponsor.

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